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What happens to women in Afghanistan and why do they cover their faces

By hollisterclothingoutlet 06/03/2022 810 Views

The Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist militia, entered Kabul, the capital, and everything indicates that it will return to power after 20 years. I know what the regime was like in the '90s and what happened to women.

The Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist militia, have already entered Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and everything indicates that they will return to power after 20 years. As the conflict unfolds, I learn what the regime was like in the 90s and what awaits women.


What is happening in Afghanistan today with the Taliban and women's rights: latest news

What was the Taliban regime in Afghanistan like during the 1990s?

During the period in which the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, there were multiple human rights violations. In fact, they imposed physical punishment, from capital punishment in the public square to whipping or amputation of limbs for minor crimes; They stripped women of any right, forcing them to cover themselves entirely with the burqa, and girls, who were prohibited from going to school after the age of 10, among other things.

In turn, at that time some vigilante gangs attacked men who showed their ankles or wore any type of Western clothing . As if that were not enough, when they governed between 1996 and 2001, the Taliban gave shelter to terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, while they organized attacks in the West.


What are the Taliban and what are their 29 prohibitions on women

They ask the European Union to prioritize women's rights in Afghanistan

"Now that the Taliban have taken control of Kabul, a new reign of terror for people living in Afghanistan has begun," said Evelyn Regner, chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.

In turn, regarding what happened some time ago, he pointed out that this for Afghan women and girls "means a systemic and brutal oppression in all aspects of life" , and pointed out that in the areas controlled by the Taliban the universities of women have been closed, girls are denied the right to education and women are sold as sex slaves.

Finally, he pointed out: "We must not turn a blind eye to a humanitarian crisis that will specifically affect women and girls in Afghanistan. All EU Member States must work together to guarantee a safe exit from the country for anyone in danger" .

The 29 Taliban bans on women

1. Complete prohibition of female work outside their homes. Only a few female doctors and nurses are allowed to work in some hospitals in Kabul.

2. Complete prohibition of any type of activity of women outside the home unless they are accompanied by their mahram (close male relative such as father, brother or husband).

3. Prohibition of closing deals with male traders.

4. Prohibition of being treated by male doctors.

5. Prohibition of studying in schools, universities or any other educational institution (the Taliban have turned women's schools into religious seminaries).

6. Women must wear a burqa, which covers them from head to toe.

7. Whipping, beating and verbal abuse against women who do not dress according to the rules of the Taliban regime or against women who are not accompanied by their mahram.

8. Whipping in public against those women who show their ankles.

9. Public stoning of women accused of having sex outside of marriage.

10. Prohibition of wearing make-up.

11. Prohibition of speaking or shaking hands with men other than their mahram.

12. Prohibition of laughing out loud.

13. Prohibition of wearing heels, which can produce noise when walking (the argument is that a man cannot hear a woman's footsteps).

14. Ban on getting into a taxi without your mahram.

15. Prohibition of having a presence on radio, television or public meetings of any kind.

16. Prohibition to practice sports or enter any sports center or club.

17. Prohibition of riding a bicycle or motorcycle, even with their mahram.

18. Prohibition of wearing brightly colored clothing. For the Taliban, they are "sexually attractive colors".

19. Prohibition of gathering for holidays or recreational purposes.

20. Prohibition of washing clothes in rivers or public squares.

21. Modification of all the nomenclature of streets and squares that include the word "woman".

22. Prohibition for women to appear on the balconies of their apartments or houses.

23. Mandatory opacity of all windows, so that women cannot be seen from outside their homes.

24. Prohibition for dressmakers to measure women and sew women's clothing.

25. Prohibition of women's access to public toilets.

26. Prohibition for women and men to travel on the same bus. The buses are now divided into "men only" or "women only".

27. Ban on flared pants, even if worn under the burqa.

28. Prohibition of taking photos of women.

29. Prohibition of the existence of images of women printed in magazines and books, or hung on the walls of houses and shops.


The history of Afghanistan: who are the Taliban and the connection with Al Qaeda

Women of Afghanistan fear what could happen with the Taliban in power

Afghan women who are leaders in cultural, social and political fields today expressed their fear through social networks before the total seizure of power by the Taliban movement and described the situation as "the end of the world" or "a nightmare", while they denounced that there are already enslaved women in this country.

"It's a nightmare for women who have studied, who think of a better tomorrow for themselves and future generations ," said Aisha Khurram, 22, a UN representative for Afghan youth and a student at Kabul University.

On Sunday morning, Aisha, who was due to graduate in a few months, and her classmates were unable to re-enter the campus and "her future is uncertain," the AFP agency reported. "For the entire nation, to see how everything collapsed in an instant was the end of the world, our soul and spirit were broken," said the student a few hours after the entry of the Taliban in Kabul.

Why do women in Afghanistan cover their faces?

With the return of the Taliban to power, it is common to see women in Afghanistan with their faces covered by a burqa. This measure was implemented as mandatory in Afghanistan under the mandate of the Taliban since it covers the eyes with a 'thick veil' that prevents the wearer from seeing normally, since the 'mesh' that composes it limits lateral vision. This garment began to be used centuries ago, but in some parts, those who profess Islam, such as the Taliban, implement it so that the face of women does not "tempt" men, among many other measures they take.

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