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We hadn't realized how feminist we were until we started doing shell.

By hollisterclothingoutlet 04/08/2022 763 Views

Minutes later, in full room, with gift condoms in the pockets and several selfies on the phones, the show began.Argentinas Dalia Walker, Laura Passalacqua, and Jimena Outeiro entered the room at the public and welcome was overwhelming.At the rhythm of the World, by Beyoncé, the audience went crazy which Striptease show, but this time the only thing that undressed were personal experiences.

Mathías Arizaga

Twenty -six hours before, in the Rodó Park apartment where they settled upon arrival, the drivers received El Observador to talk about the success of a podcast that, at the close of this note, is the most listened to in Uruguay.

How was a bar conversation between friends to be a podcast, and one with so successful?

Laura: We don't know (laughs) everything will be like that: I don't know, but we are here.Dalia: It was an idea.Why don't we?And we did it.Jimena: We had no pressure, because we wanted to get something or felt that we didn't have to be...any.We did it for pure pleasure.D: The other day we were listening to the first three or four episodes and Jimena said "we are recording this in the first because we believe we are so great that everyone is going to interest what we have to say".Let's laugh and at the end, you were right there, Jimena.Sometimes one also has to bank that.We were sure, not that I was going to have the impact it had, but that someone was going to interest.

También decían: "estoy segura que mucha gente tiene este tipo de conversaciones con sus amigas, pero al mismo tiempo está bueno habilitar estas cuestiones para quienes no tienen esos espacios".

L: Before this space I did not have these conversations with my friends.Not even with them, I think.D: We start having them and that's why we decided to record it.L: It's like this: generate that for others too.J: enable others to talk about things that did not speak because they felt that they were the only people who were happening to them, and suddenly that three mines that are friends enable that from a place of zero trial.I think what works most is that among us there are no judgments, we can say anything and nobody is going to tell the other "I can't believe".D: At most "friend realize".J: No hayany que nos excluya.I think that, even if it looks like a pavada, is very liberating.

In that first episode they also said that they tried not to be called Concha, why was it ending like this?

D: could not be called otherwise.We think alternatives as "vulva" or "vagina", euphemisms.But then we said: "If you called a shell why are we going to put in another way?".We were ashamed to say that it was called that, but then it normalized.

Do you think that in the last three years you have taken another meaning?

J: Absolutely.For we sure.The podcast also enrolls within a feminist movement, of revaluation of the female, not because we have thought so, but because we are part of that group.The shell began to appear as an object of beauty.As a visible object.At least in Buenos Aires, the shell is trend.The shell is cool now, and that would have been unthinkable five or six years ago.The podcast entered a very perfect time of timing of podcast listening, which was not so common in Latin America or in Argentina.There were several factors that made it work.D: We are not alone.If you speak and nobody resonates with what you say makes no sense.L: With no one to listen to you there is no possible change.

When did they realize that it was starting to resonate?

L: Movement was felt that something was happening, but there were waves.At first there was an armed community on social networks and there was something that felt: we were going to do three episodes and we ended up doing more.To the fourth or fifth episode we had an Instagram with 10,000 followers.J: Then we went to an event they had invited, feminibirra.We asked ourselves why they invited us, there were people gross our and to us left us for the end.The presenter presents us and all began to applaud, we got off the stage and asked us for a photo.That was the first time I said "something is happening".L: Then there was an episode, affective responsibility, which hit a lot.At the end of 2019 we made a couple of live episodes with people and there was also a confirmation.Then in the pandemia he grew exponentially.For me there were growth scales.D: La gente estaba encerrada sinany que hacer, re loca, teniendo que limpiar, tender la ropa y destender la ropa, hacer cosas que por ahí antes no hacía, y escuchaban el podcast para acompañarse.And we also helped us to accompany us.For us it was a lifeguard.

In several interviews they say that while you were recording the episodes you were also finding a place in feminism.At this time where do you feel?

J: We do not have a theoretical background to be able to define it in a conceptual framework.Yes I feel that there is no feminism, but there are different types or ways of living feminism.I think we hadn't realized how feminist we were until we started doing shell.D: Or if we were feminist.J: I think we were and we didn't know or we couldn't say it.D: It was at the time a well -known woman told "me about feminism".

And you got on.

D: Strong.Someone got off and we got on.J: It gives me a lot of pride, it is an identity and a way of seeing life.But I think we don't get to a place, it's a way to travel.We are seeing what is for us and things happen to us with that.Feminism is opening your eyes to things that were naturalized, and the podcast opened our eyes permanently.L: I remember when we recorded the episode of Chief, who was one of the former, I had a job discomfort - I looked with two chabones - but I had never thought about everything that meant what was happening in those plots of power powerThey circulated.To be able to share and chat it was giving clarity to what I had been feeling.That is my form of feminism.J: It seems to me that many women relate this way.There were, at least, many voices of mines that were at the forefront of feminism and were more radical, total genias, and from my place I did not feel like this.I felt that then I was not a feminist, because being involved putting you in tits in the Obelisk.That is something that I do today - at that time I was not going to do and I felt that for that I could not self -denominate feminist.With the podcast we discover that yes, that in feminism there are spaces for all.It is a process, it is the doubt, we do what we can and we are deconstructing it.Not that one day you get up and say "I am now a feminist".I think that many women who happened to the same and said "ah stop, if these mines are feminist, me too".

How do you choose the issues they deal with?

D: We always choose something that has to do with what is happening to us.Somehow, if it happens to one it is happening to us all, or we have something to say.The beautiful thing is that listeners always tell us "it is just what I was needing".J: We have a huge list.Sometimes the theme comes out of the list, but we have to feel the timing.There is no planning.It is very free.Concha is about speaking in the first person.Many times they are our experiences, but in other cases they are issues that we want to play and that we cannot contribute from us.Some still did not come out, but they have to leave;as transs trans.We want to do it and we will not be able to contribute from that place, but we are important that that voice is.It will happen.

Do they have a mainly feminine audience? J: There is quite the same man.D: The man approaches "I can't believe this works like this, do you think?".Or listen to it a lot with the bride.


"Are there men tonight?" They ask from the stage, the stalls light and five shy hands rise. Una es la de José Alfonso, que señala a la amiga a su lado como la evangelizadora.

"While it is a feminist podcast, many issues cover everyone, indistinctly from the genre.I love how the issues address because they report but they also give a realistic perspective, they sing the post, things go to earth and it is what people want"Talk between friends".Favorite episode?Codependent."It touches me a little, in my way of linking".


They said that Concha speaks in the first person, is they difficult to expose themselves in this way?

J: It has a price.On the one hand it is what makes the podcast so much, because people appreciate that there are people who are vulnerable to the point of telling their miseries, their fantasies or the things that were denied for the female voice for many years.On the other hand, it has a lot of consequences: with your family, with friends who suddenRe difficult.So it's not free.L: I don't feel that we have thought about it either.How much and how to expose ourselves?.We do not dimension that we would never listen to us.And then I was already, we had already done it, you felt comfortable, you didn't care so much, until you started to care and you say "I can no longer stop this".Actually yes, but I don't want.This is the game. Tiene que ser honesto oany.

Do they regret something they have said in the podcast?

L: Sometimes I regret it is a cut. No me arrepiento de decirany, pero sí me cuesta la consecuencia de que esa edición que hago después quede como "esto es lo que pasa", ponele.It happened to me very recently that I am saying many things of my last link that end up giving an image that is not what I have.But on the occasions I exposed something in relation to that was what was happening to me.J: There are many people who feel they know you, and it's true because they know a lot of things, but I'm not just that.In the podcast I am a lot.Sometimes I feel that they think I am a person who I am not.D: You get there and the other takes what serves it.It's a bit like children: you don't know what they are going to take from you, and you can't decide.It has nothing to do with regret or stop regretting.L: Even feeling this we don't stop doing it.D: We don't change it.I was going to say that we say less, but not.J: On the contrary, I feel that I am saying.L: more and more (laughs)


At a central table Silvana, Karina, Agustina and Lucía expect the three Argentines to go on stage."I was the first one I started with the podcasts because I separated, I started listening to them and I felt re connected.Then I went to the rest of my friends who were traveling something similar and each connected with a different episode;But it happened to us that at this time of our life it was good to take advantage and come all four and see them live, "says the precursor.

Mathías Arizaga

"They arrived at the right time," contributes one of them that points out that the effect of pandemic, which led to internally a lot of things, touched crucial issues.The key to success?"The level of vulnerability, exposure, encouraging us to tell the good, bad and ugly, which sometimes even among friends costs us to sincere ourselves like this because we have this social pressure of being perfect always perfect.I think he enabled a lot of conversations between friends, among classmates, among men too, and is great ".

The four agree that it is a place to feel "less alone"."Pile of times they wonder 'what they should think on the other side', when they are exposed battery.We say 'If they knew!' ".


The confidence they have to extend to the public in live shows?

L: They have confidence to us.J: I can do it just because I fully trust them two.And in live shows we also trust the public.We ask people and many times the best things that appear are anecdotes that people who are sailed.D: We trust what is happening.In which there is a network, and whatever it will be good.Because the bond with the public is also re -sincere.How to tell?It is so natural to make shell that we cannot make it something that is not.I am this.The truth is what Dalia, Laura and Jimena think. No es otra cosa, no puede salir mal porque no hayany que no sea auténtico.I also believe that being a podcast, it is very rare.A live show podcast is not so normal.Radio does not make live shows, TV was something else, it is a new format that generates something new.And I think the public has so much desire to respond to what we are talking about in Concha that it will see us to say "I can tell you something that happened to me".

They are presented in Montevideo, in the museum room, with two exhausted functions.What do they expect from the Uruguayan public?

J: That they cope, that they open.In Argentina we are all runaway, the shows in Argentina the girls shout more than we.J: Here in Uruguay I don't know, will they open like that?Or will they be more reserved?


During the show they came to a conclusion: "Montevideo is spicy".The Uruguayas were up to par. "¿Y ahora que hago? ¿Lo dejo? Porque no lo amo, no me calienta, noany", le pregunta una mujer a otra mientras se preparan para volver a salir a la lluvia, que no paró durante una hora y media."Now let's leave, then the psychologist starts".

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