Feminine fashion

Who are the ‘nenis’?Who are the ‘nenis’?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 18/08/2022 798 Views

It is Saturday and those that memes call ‘nenis’ are already awake and working.They come from Amecameca, others from Ecatepec, in the State of Mexico.All with full hands, suitcases and bags to burst.Some with babies in arms, others with their children hand in hand.

Who are the ‘nenis’?, From vendors to entrepreneurs

Most are university;These entrepreneurs balance their lives between the study and their business.Some of them represent the total income of their family, others cost their studies.

The most difficult - they say - it is not to get up early in the morning to run out of clothes or make their artisanal products.The most complicated thing is not to choose, repair, wash or package.What really represents a challenge for these young workers is daily harassment and arbitrary arrests in the subway.

Este 8 de marzo Día Internacional de la Mujer o Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora​​, Tec Review lo conmemora con las historias de algunas de las emprendedoras de negocios por internet.

How do they like them to call them?Most prefer the term bazareña, there are those who do not support the neni, because they think that the great work they do discredits.

There are also those who do not care: they have resignified mockery and use the neni with pride.

The best (as always there are doubts), is to ask how they prefer to be called.The truth is that none of them is called each other, they all use the name of their bazaar: "SEMPAI times, where are you?".

Outside the Chabacano Metro of Mexico City, in the direction of four roads, a group of entrepreneurs are called trees (this by the meeting point where they are, under trees).

There are 17 bazareñas that make up trees, and they speak like one: “We are angry at the neni because it is mocking, they want to discredit our work, they do not know what it is to get up at seven in tomorrow and return to your house at 4 - with a lot of weightabove - and more work ahead ".

How was the term ‘Neni’ was born?

Paulina Chavira, a linguistic journalist and advisor has tracked the origin of the Neni trend:

"As far as I have been able to locate, it arises in December when Katy Perry published on Facebook about her new gel sandals and within that publication the mockery began with comments such as: Where do you deliver Neni?, Neni, how size do you have it?"

Originally, Neni is an appellation, that word we use to call someone with love like: dear, queen, heart.But, these entrepreneurial women began to be a mockery.

¿Quiénes son las ‘nenis’? ¿Quiénes son las ‘nenis’?

Just five minutes passed since Tec Review arrived with trees and the problems were seen by themselves.Lask looks, men taking photos, calls to the police to come for them.

“What affects them that we work? What harm do we do? We leave the subway to avoid the arrests and the problems do not end.That's why we are together to take care of each other, we met here, delivering ”.

The Tree Collective sells through social networks and exploit different platforms such as Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram.Most sell clothes, but others make desserts, meals, crafts and cartoons.

“Working is an exercise of freedom, it is striking because there are many women in an economic field where we have not been, that's why it makes noise.The story would be different if they were men, ”explains Dr. Luz María Velázquez Sánchez (Lumi), leader of women and companies projects, a gender equity specialist at Tec de Monterrey.

Entrepreneurs ask for spaces to sell their products.(Photo: Susan Irais)

Resignify mockery

Within the Chabacano Metro, Las Mercaditas, a feminist collective, says that: "Here it does not affect us that they tell us Nenis, we are a resistance that began with the harassment and polis that do not let deliveries inside the subway".

This group protects all bazareñas inside the subway;Even the vagons (with whom, currently, they have a space dispute).

In the midst of the interview, a group of police wanted to take one of them for force, they all attended it and shouted their rights by citing memory items.They have to protect each other, they say.

Bee, de Tomboy Bzar parte del colectivo Mercaditas(Photo: Susan Irais)

All entrepreneurs who are part of Mercaditas took the term neni, put it shiny and hugged him.

"We appropriate it, we empower it, to call us Nenis stop being mockery, it is now a term of pride," says Alinne, a natural cosmetologist.

Paulina Chavira explains that the resignification of a term is common in language, "began as a mockery, but women appropriated it and instead of taking it as an insult, they take it as a matter of pride and belonging.".

Chavira highlights the acronym who created in a very short time, “it is super interesting the way they dignified, very creative in addition.Frida Cr, it is to those who cite when they put the acronym ”:


Entrepreneur of

Business for


It doesn't matter what they are called, they are finally entrepreneurs, Dr. Lumi makes it clear that: "Every person who takes an initiative, who sees a need that must be resolved and finds a means for that to happen, is an entrepreneur".

In that sense, Neni began as a mockery to the entrepreneurial women.As a way to discredit their entrepreneurship, but they appropriated it, resignified it and the memes, instead of affecting them, gave them more fame.

"Some Facebook or entrepreneurs groups have changed the name to Neni, as a way of self -assignifying and making their location in social networks easier," says Paulina.

Lorena Rojas, entrepreneur for catalog sales (Photo: Courtesy)

"I already have your order, Neni"

Lorena Rojas is a psychologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and an entrepreneur of Catalog Sales of the Natura brand.

He has created a network of 2,000 consultants and every twenty -one days this team has a turnover of two million pesos.And all pay taxes.

“The term is indifferent to me, I know what I am and what I do, I understand the meaning of undertaking.We have to leave behind the fear of what they are going to say about us, we are entrepreneurs, ”he says.

Lore teaches his entire network of consultants to exploit social networks, his videos are viral on Tiktok.In addition, most of their consultants are millennials, use social networks and interbank transfers to manage their business.

Be your own boss

"As you are your own boss you sometimes demand more," says the Tree Girls.Many of them have "completely delivered to their businesses," says Brozon.And it is that your orders are extremely detailed and ecological.

Proudly "neni" purse, reactivating the local economy.(Photo: Susan Irais)

They deliver with personalized wraps, some make cartoons of their customers, thanks notes and even gifts, such as sweets and stickers.

"These entrepreneurs even have ethical codes.There are complaints if there is deception, they do not allow breaches, they are very specific with deposits and deliveries, ”says Lumi.

According to the telephone and employment telephone survey prepared by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) at the end of 2020, 1.3 million women have been unemployed in contrast to the million men in the same situation.

Self -employment was the answer that many found to continue generating income, according to the specialist in gender equity of the Tec de Monterrey, “women are the first to be fired when there is crisis of any kind, they resolved the issue of income of thisway.It is totally valid and worthy ".

What comes after pandemic?Most of these entrepreneurs claim that they will continue working in the same way.

Luz María Velázquez Sánchez (Lumi), leader of women and companies projects, recommends that they approach mentors to advise them on copyright, legal, contracts, intellectual property, innovation issues to strengthen their entrepreneurial leadership.

In addition, he points out that they must look towards the professionalization of their businesses.According to INEGI, in Mexico only 45 % of women have a paid job and of them, more than half (57 %) do so in informality.

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