Baby clothes

15 tips for the care of your skin and hair

By hollisterclothingoutlet 14/01/2023 576 Views

Nicole Cáceres Báezviernes, Februaryone2,2021 - 05:one8Facetwitterwhatsappemiltodos We can say with certainty that we are happy that the2020 has been left behind, but after the stressful year we had, it is possible that you feel you need a vacation.In addition, your skin and hair can reflect some additional stress that we have had, they can look tired and lifeless, and this is the perfect time to give them the holidays they need.The most important thing is to start with simple steps that can create good lasting habits, explains Laura Chacón Garbato, a dematology expert of Herbalife, who shares the importance of skin care.How to take care of your skin The skin is the largest organ in our body and it is important to keep it hydrated and nourished.Having a constant skin care routine will not only help your skin look good, but will also help you feel good.one.Wash your hands before washing your fabric the dermatologist Dra.Ava Shamban, bacteria, viruses and allergens are transferred from fingers to the skin.So, before touching your face, make sure you wash your hands.2.Do not wash your face with hot water The hot water can irritate the skin and remove natural oils from your skin, essential for it to remain healthy.Use warm water to remove exfoliants and cleaners.3.Start with the basic as a minimum, you must have three basic products as part of your skin care routine: 4.Use a cleaner designed for your skin type. The use of an appropriate cleaner for your skin type can make a big difference in the way your skin looks.Make a habit clean your skin in the morning and at night before bedtime, just like brushing your teeth.Avoid ordinary and aggressive soaps that can strip your skin of their natural oils.Instead, choose soft cleaners, tested by dermatologists and sulfates.For dry skin, select products with ingredients that help soften and hydrate the skin, such as Aloe Vera and chamomile.If your skin is more fatty, choose ingredients that leave it with a feeling of freshness, such as orange and grapefruit.5.Hydrates your skin a day moisturizer with a broad spectrum sun protector is perfect for daily use.If you feel you need more moisture, include a serum under your daytime moisturizer.When you buy a serum, look for products with hemp seed oil because they are known for their conditioning properties.Hemp is known as the wonderful plant due to phytonutrients, moisturizing and moisturizing properties it contains.6.Exfolia your skin weekly exfolia your face can reveal a healthier skin and with a brighter appearance in minutes.It is vital to do it at least once a week because it helps remove dead cells from the skin surface.When we are young, the body changes automatically even in the shower, but as we get old, that process is altered and slows down.In addition, exfoliation helps eliminate the barrier that prevents your skin care products from penetrating and providing the benefits they offer.Manual exfoliation leaves the skin softer and with a healthier appearance.Look for products that are soft but have powerful exfoliating ingredients such as blueberry seeds, grenade and bamboo.These types of ingredients can help you achieve soft and smooth skin without damaging it.7.Put on a clay mask use of masks can be very beneficial to combat fat skin.It is not something you should do every day, but once a week you can give wonderful benefits to your skin.Bentonite clay is my favorite type of clay because it is known for its absorbent and toning properties.Will eliminate fat, dirt and dead skin.This helps prevent pores obstruction, which can ultimately prevent outbreaks.A good clay mask should also help reduce the appearance of the size of the pores.8.Baby enough water we all know the importance of drinking water for healthy maintenance of the body, but it is also vital for skin health.When the skin is properly hydrated, it looks soft and has a radiant shine.Establish a routine in which your water station installs in your workplace, so you don't forget to drink it.9.Choose the appropriate mask, see yourself to choose one that is comfortable and that is made of breathable material.Not all fabrics are equal and polyester can sometimes catch sweat, cause irritation and trigger acne.Find masks made of cotton because they can help absorb sweat and allow the skin to breathe.Do not reuse your mask, because that will help stop the spread of germs and bacteria.Wash your masks regularly, as this will relieve acne sprouts and leather shoots during the day.one0.Prepare your skin before putting on the mask as you prepare your body before putting your clothes moisturizing it, before putting on the mask you should also use a facial moisturizer with moisturizing properties.Look for ingredients such as chamomile and Aloe Vera, which are known for their moisturizing and soothing properties.Hydration can help prevent irritation.Try to avoid thick and greasy makeup, as you can obstruct pores.If you use makeup, look for makeup based on minerals and ingredients such as titanium dioxide, which absorbs skin in the skin.one1.Consent to your skin after using a mask after a long day to use a mask, be sure to pamper your skin with moisturizing and sulfate products.Sulfates are strong detergents that alter the lipid structure of the upper epidermis and are irritating.After taking off the mask, be sure to wash your face with a soft cleaner with moisturizing cleaning ingredients, which will help remove dirt and fat from the skin.Avoid the use of hot water because it can irritate and dehydrate your skin.Use warm water since the skin is already sensitive and this will help prevent greater irritation.The process ends by applying a moisturizer with antioxidants and essential oils, which can restore and calm your skin.one2.Sleep well when you are at rest, your body is renewed.A good repair sleep is required for the synthesis of hair proteins and the release of growth and growth hormones that are necessary for the general health health. Trata de dormir al menos8 horas al día.one3.Keep a healthy and balanced diet The healthy diet is the key to your hair.Protein is essential, since your hair is composed of a resistant protein called keratin, which helps strengthen hair, skin and nails.You should also concentrate on trace elements such as copper, iron, magnesium and selenium, as well as in vitamins E, D and C.These nutrients are important in keratin production.Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants are a great source of vitamins, as are healthy fats.Fish is also an excellent option because omega-3 fatty acids stimulate hair growth.one4.Choose the right shampoo choose a specific shampoo for your hair type to help strengthen it.Select a soft shampoo and conditioner to help repair the hair and return it to a strong and healthy state.Choose products that do not contain sulfate and that are clinically tested to improve hair strength.Try to avoid chemical products, as they can be harmful.Look for softer ingredients such as Aloe Vera, karité butter and microproteins of plant origin to help soften and strengthen hair.one5.Use conditioner more often in the days when you do not wash with shampoo, if your hair is wet, apply a little conditioner.This will help retain the moisture that needs so much.When the water evaporates, unfortunately, it extracts the humidity from the interior of the hair stem, which finally means that it dries and weakens. Considera un tratamiento de acondicionamiento profundo semanal, como éste: 4 cucharadas de aceite de coco,2 cucharadas de miel pura calentada, y un aguacate maduro pequeño mezclado (si tu cabello es más largo, puedes agregar aceite de coco extra), y aplícalo a tu cabello recién lavado y secado con toalla. Colócate un gorro de ducha y déjalo durante unos20 minutos antes de enjuagar.It is an excellent alternative to a conditioning treatment purchased in the store. Este2021 es el momento perfecto para iniciar una rutina de cuidado personal saludable.Just take a few minutes, and the more you do it, the easier it will become.You will see that after doing this routine for a couple of weeks, your skin and hair will thank you by revealing a healthy shine.More read it more recent

15 consejos para el cuidado de tu piel y cabello

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