Far from the catalogs that show lots of photoshopeadas blonde heads, the British brand of Prêt-à-Porter River Isand puts six children with disabilities in their latest advertising campaign in its last advertising campaign.
Después de Lucas, un bebé trisómico de 18 meses elegido por la marca de alimentación Gerber para representarle todo el año 2018, le toca a la marca de ropa River Island homenajear a seis niños discapacitados en su nueva campaña para la temporada primavera-verano.
Te puede interesar:El bebé Gerber 2018 tiene Síndrome de DownA River Island spokesman told The Daily Mail that "the models were selected for the campaign to celebrate an ethic that sounds as true in society as in our cabinets: it is more than normal to be different".
Convinced of the richness of this diversity, the brand has the following motto: "Labels are for clothes, not kids", that is, the labels are for clothes, not for children.
Among the muses of the new campaign is Cora Bishop, 6 years old, carrier of trisomy 21.Cora's mother, after knowing during her pregnancy that there was a "problem", explains that they always wanted to give their baby a chance.
Today, they describe the little Cora as "sparkling and fun" and makes her family happy.River Island teams claim that, in effect, it is a miniature clown that tried to make everyone laugh during the photo shoot.