Baby clothes

'Checklist' essential to go to the beach with the children

By hollisterclothingoutlet 23/11/2022 666 Views

Take the car full to the stops.Or at least, as full as possible respecting safety standards when we travel with children.It is a common factor in many Spanish families that go on vacation to the beach, and that leave from morning with everything necessary to 'nephew' a day on the sea, with one, two or more 'kids' at home.The organization in these cases is fundamental, if you do not want.Do you know how to make a checklist with everything you need to be several hours of the pull on the beach?Start with these ideas.

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1.The sunscreen.Specific for each of the family members, especially if you have children of different ages.Babies, for example, must be in the shade at all times, so that in their case the sunscreen is physical, adding an umbrella or an anti -ray tent for babies, and fresh clothes in light colors, suitable forsummer, in addition to a hat with visor.In children under three years of age you have to use specific sun creams for that age stretch, since the chemical components of the creams that we use the elderly are too aggressive with their skin.The protection factor must be between 30 and 50, and, if possible, dress them with bath garments that also include fabric factor in the fabric, as well as hat and approved sunglasses.Creams for specific parts of the body, such as the face, are also recommended, especially in older children, who spend more hours playing the sun and bathing in the water.

two.Equipment 'Baby'.That is, everything you would normally carry with you when leaving home, including clean diapers, in addition to diaper swimsuit for the beach or pool, which are water resistant and the only ones you can bathe with your baby (then you have to return toChange them to a normal one), disposable wipes, talcum dusts, bottles and cups, a swimsuit -in addition to the occasional mute -a moisturizing cream and extra plastic bags to be able to throw the diapers used when you return from the beach, in casethere would be no containers nearby.

'Checklist' esencial para ir a la playa con los niños

3.Towels for all and an umbrella...Or two.Both with babies and children of any age, the umbrella is the best sunscreen together with the cream, and is essential not to succumb to an insolation.Remember that you have to avoid being in the sun in the central hours of the day, and that the shadow of the umbrella is the best place to rest between dip and dip.As for the towels, also remember to bring at least one or two extra, to dry after the bathroom and avoid putting a wet towel on the sand.

4.Inflatable vests.Blaming accidents have a high infant mortality rate, especially in private pools, although that does not remove to apply the necessary safety standards where there is water.Before floats and sleeves, inflatable vests are the best option since they do not prevent children from turning alone if they turn in the water.The vests must be kept as long as children are playing near the shore.

5.Toys, but few.Only the necessary: better let the children choose a different one than bring to the beach every day, instead of loading with all their arsenal on each occasion.Cubes and shovels to make sand castles today, an inflatable ball tomorrow, and the next day, some blades to play on the edge of the sea.

6.Liquids and snacks.The first are essential to keep children hydrated but also dad and mom.Fresh water is the best option, before packaged juices, which usually incorporate large amounts of sugar, so they not only fill the children's diet with empty calories but can have the opposite effect and give even more thirst to the '' Kids'.As for snacks, fruits are a natural source of water and vitamins, while sandwiches can kill hunger between hours and can be easily prepared before leaving home with the help of children.Here you have five healthy snack ideas to make your fresh summer.

7.Minibotic.The vacation kit must cover as much as possible, or at least, the basics.It is not necessary to bring everything to the beach, although if they are necessary, for example, water -resistant strips, gauze and antiseptics, a specific anti -manmiths for children and babies, some analgesic medication and an antacid.

8.Children's clothes.Sometimes a mute is needed so that they can return home with clean clothes and without sand or sea salt, especially underwear.Also rubber shoes with which to walk on the sand without burning, and get into the water without suffering accidents by stepping, for example, a sea shell.

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