Baby clothes

He designed and patented special clothes to go to vaccinate against COVID-19

By hollisterclothingoutlet 14/09/2022 539 Views

Pandemia brought a lot of opportunities for new entrepreneurs.Such is the case of Gabriel Críspulo, a native of Paraná, Entre Ríos, who patented specific clothing designs to vaccinate.The idea was not yet applied, but together with their partner they are thinking of products for all ages.

"We had to adapt to a new life that we did not expect because we had never gone through a pandemic.We had to reorganize and reinvent ourselves, ”said the businessman to the local media" Elonce ".

Tauro C & D Indumentaria es la empresa que abrió Críspulo y ofrece prendas que responden a la situación actual.Based on how the idea occurred, he commented: "I came once to vaccinate myself and I had to undress myself".And given this awkward situation he created shirts with openings to the sides, at shoulder height.

Diseñó y patentó ropa especial para ir a vacunarse contra el Covid-19

Referring to his target audience, he emphasized: "It is for those who do not want.In addition, during the interview, the man talked about the families who have babies: "You take a baby to vaccinate and you have to undress it whole".

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As for the designs, Gabriel commented that functionality will be accompanied by buttons, closures or brooches.Finally, he concluded: "The project was uploaded to a world page for four months and as nobody did, I patented it".

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