Baby clothes

Is it possible to plan for 20 years?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 22/10/2022 611 Views

- Usted es la creadora de este papel en P&G, ¿cómo consiguió convencer a su dirección de la necesidad de abrir un departamento entero?

- More than 10 years ago, I had a moment "Aha!"She while she was sitting at my table. Era el año 2005 y yo dirigía el marketing y la innovación de Ariel, una de las mayores marcas de Procter & Gamble, en Europa Occidental. Ya había pasado dos décadas recibiendo una clase magistral de construcción de marcas al trabajar en varias carteras de P&G en todo el mundo.I had seen firsthand the power of brands to raise awareness, cause conversations and allow a behavior change.

That moment of "Aha!"He began to see Al Gore's movie, an awkward truth, and realize the seriousness of global warming.At the same time, to prevent my brand from losing market share and relevance, I developed the Ariel "Cool Clean" or "Turn to 30", which encouraged consumers to wash clothes with cold water.

Although this campaign was very successful and the market share increased, I made a discovery that would change my personal and professional vocation forever.I learned that 80% of the carbon footprint of a detergent was related to the temperature temperature.

Suddenly, I click!I realized that it is possible to grow your business and reduce its footprint at the same time.Success and sustainability are not enemies, but allies. Hoy, en P&G, lo llamamos “ser una fuerza para el bien” y “una fuerza para el crecimiento”.

A few years later, I decided to make my work sustainability and an integral part of how we innovate, we build our brands and direct the business. Le propuse la idea a nuestro director general, que la aceptó, y a partir de ahí me convertí en el primer director de sostenibilidad de P&G.

During the last decade, my mission has been to integrate sustainability in our way of doing things.We chose to "incorporate it, not screw it" in all business practices, innovation, brand construction and, in reality, in the company's culture.We have the responsibility of being a force for the good of society and the environment, while we are a force for business growth.Doing both makes it sustainable.

¿Es posible planificar a 20 años?

- P&G será una empresa 100% sostenible ¿en...?

- We have a framework called ambition 2030 that guides our efforts to address two of the most pressing environmental challenges in the world - the finite resources and increasing consumption - and we have focused our ambitious objectives in four specific areas: brands, supply chain, societyand employees.These objectives are the following

Marcas: Las 20 marcas líderes de P&G -incluyendo Always, Ariel, Dawn, Fairy, Febreze, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Pampers y Tide- permitirán e inspirarán el consumo responsable a través de envases 100% reciclables o reutilizables, lanzando más innovaciones sostenibles y creando confianza a través de la transparencia y compartiendo nuestra ciencia de seguridad.

Cadena de suministro: Las fábricas de P&G reducirán a la mitad las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y comprarán suficiente electricidad renovable para alimentar el 100% de nuestras plantas.The company will also get at least 5.000 million liters of water from circular sources.

: P&G continuará creando asociaciones transformadoras que permitan a las personas, al planeta y a nuestro negocio prosperar, incluyendo aquellas que frenen el flujo de plástico en los océanos del mundo, protejan y mejoren los bosques y protejan el agua en las cuencas prioritarias de todo el mundo.

Empleados: P&G involucrará, equipará y recompensará a sus empleados para que incorporen el pensamiento y las prácticas de sostenibilidad a su trabajo diario.We will reward the advances and integrate recognition in performance evaluations.

On the basis of our Ambition 2030 strategy, we recently announced a new objective to achieve zero net emissions of greenhouse gases in all our operations and supply chain, from the raw material to the retailer, by 2040, as well as intermediate objectives for 2030To achieve significant progress in this decade.

- Are the sustainable development objectives be attainable or are they just a guide light?

- Collective action is essential to deal with the most pressing challenges in the world.To move towards these objectives, we will take advantage of existing solutions and look for new and transformatives that are not currently available in the market.This will require the collaboration of the private, non -profit and public sectors, and the participation of all aspects of our business.

For example, we know that the average home of the developed world is very inefficient, since it uses up to 500 liters of water per person every day.Shower, wash clothes, cook and scrub the home dishes use 10% of the planet's water supply. P&G lidera la Coalición 50L Home para reunir a los socios de toda la cadena de valor del agua doméstica, con el objetivo de reinventar el futuro del consumo de agua en nuestros hogares haciendo que 50 litros de agua parezcan 500 litros.

By helping people reduce the use of hot water without having to make concessions, the coalition is creating more efficient homes that can use 10 times less water than most of those who use today.This effort not only intends to save water, but also the energy used in the home.Whether it is about creating the home of the future that saves energy and water, and taking advantage of the power of our brands to benefit people and the planet, we believe that there is no too small action or vision too large, since we all work togetherTo preserve our shared home for coming generations.

* Julián Ginzo is the editorial coordinator of a Today.Interview originally published in a Today.

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