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They exhibit crisis in San Miguel and demarcation of the Government of Puebla

By hollisterclothingoutlet 09/11/2022 582 Views

The finding of the child's body Tadeo in a dump in the San Miguel prison - where five adult bodies were also located - put the government headed by the brunette Miguel Barbosa Huerta in trouble.At first the president kept silent, then made some changes and finally lashed out against informants and activists who claim an investigation into the modus operandi of the macrociminality networks that act in the CDMX-Puebla corridor.

Gabriela Hernández

On Monday 24, when the state government reported on the apprehension of 21 people, including managers, controls and custodians of the San Miguel prison, due to the discovery of the baby's body, he omitted to reveal another discovery in that place: five mutilated bodies and withFootprints of extreme torture were found in a ravine that is used as a drain of the penitentiary center.

In full crisis -generated by the circumstances in which the body of the baby of only three months, exhumed from an Iztapalapa pantheon and then found in a prison dump -the case of those executed was silenced by the government of Miguel Barbosa Huerta.

But on Wednesday 26, the Econsulta Digital Portal published more details.Between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Monday 24, four state police officers, employees of the Ministry of the Interior and the members of Civil Protection of the State and the municipality helped lift the dismembered parties of five male people, whoseages ranged between 30 and 35 years.

According to the information, the remains were placed in bags that ministerial police took in two suburban trucks without logos.Governor Barbosa Huerta, from Morena, kept silent and, contrary to his custom, did not denied or objected the information.However, no other means reproduced it.

Rodolfo Ruiz, director of E-Consulta, tells the process that the ministerial and civil protection personnel who participated in the lifting of these remains were threatened to maintain the case in total secrecy.

But as it happened in the case of the baby Tadeo, the state government was able.And most of the questions around the case of the baby Tadeo still did not answer.

Juan Martín Pérez García, Coordinator of Weaving Childhood Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean, considers that what happened with the slightest naked "again" the fragility of the Mexican State to guarantee life, integrity and justice, and in particular,To ensure the best interests of childhood.

This act of barbarism, he adds, is an expression of the context of war that has been experiencing the country for more than 10 years, generated by the macrocripelality networks that have captured the State and their institutions for the money it generates;The prisons, he points out, are one of the territories under their control.

For the specialist, beyond being resolved on what or for what was used the body of Tadeo, the social and media claim must focus on a structural responsibility and the action by the Mexican State.

"If they used it to introduce drugs, for a satanic rite or to take revenge on the authorities, that does not change that the issue is the right of that child to dignity and justice, and that of his family to the repair of the damage,"emphasize.

Exhiben crisis en San Miguel y deslinde del gobierno de Puebla

As evidence of the state crisis itself, the reaction that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had, who revictimized Tadeo, when using this case to reiterate his ideological philias and phobias.

Pérez García believes that the governments of Puebla and Mexico City are more(CNDH) Attract research.

He adds that the threat poured by Barbosa against the NGOs is not naive, since this has been a practice of the governments of Puebla linked to the macrocriminality networks from Mario Marín, Rafael Moreno Valle;Barbosa's, he insists, is no exception.

"Macrocriminality networks in Puebla have not changed.Change the color of the party, the faces, but the same networks are still valid and strong, "he says.

Barbosa and the crisis

It was precisely e-consulting the medium that since Tuesday 11 published the first note on the location of the child's body.A photograph was delivered to that medium with the explanation that a prisoner, which collected recyclable material, found the small body in the prison dumps.In the image there are no decomposition signals.The baby wore clothes and a fabric hat.

The information had national resonance in the following days, especially when it was announced that little Tadeo presented an incision of abdomen surgery.

The activist Saskia Niño de Rivera, co -founder of the Reinserta organization, along with other civil groups, launched a campaign on social networks, asking all the questions about what had happened with this baby and her identity.

After the stir that had the case, the CNDH announced on Friday 14 to attract the investigations, but the state ombudsman, Félix Cerezo, asked him to abstain and not invade his competition.The head of the National Organ, Rosario Piedra Ibarra, retracted immediately.

On Friday 21 Barbosa Huerta reacted annoying the demands of justice and information that the organizations were generating on the case.He accused that there were journalists and activists who disseminated information without livelihood only to wear and to gain prominence.

"I repeat again: all those who said things are going to silence, because they have always acted, also be careful in the performance of the profession, the noble profession of journalism, which does not also serve to destroy scenarios," said the president.

NGOs and activists asked legislators to call Barbosa to clarify their sayings.

That same day, the information that Saskia Niño de Rivera had disseminated, that Tadeo had been stolen from a pantheon in Mexico City and taken to Puebla was confirmed.Local media published that the baby was carrying a hospital bracelet with his last names, which caused his parents to identify him: he died on Wednesday 5 due to gastrointestinal problems and on Thursday 6 he was buried in the Pantheon of Lztapalapa.

When they went to their grave, the parents found that the body had been stolen.Hours later, DNA exams confirmed the kinship with the child found in the poblano prison.

Barbosa shut up, after having disseminated erroneous information of the child, as he had six days born and that the wound in his abdomen corresponded to appendix surgery.Nor did he talk about the reports leaked by the Attorney General of the State of Puebla to the media, which concluded that the child had died from suffocation and that he was in a bag of lime.

And although he had repeated that they already had advanced information about who the child's parents were, where he was born and even who had attended him;The same silence when prosecutor Gilberto Higuera admitted that the child's parents were identified thanks to the information that Rivera's child disseminated in his social networks.

Within that framework, the president ordered the fourth relay in the State Security Secretariat so far from his administration.He dismissed Rogelio López Maya, who is part of the Ardelio Vargas Fosado team, excommitted from the Federal Police and close to Genaro García Luna, and appointed Daniel Cruz Luna, who was administrator of Courts of Orality in Puebla.

However, this was not considered a substantive change in the agency, as López Maya returned as Executive Secretary of the State Council for Coordination of the National Public Security System, which keeps Vargas Fosado in charge of that area.In addition, his son, Ardelio Vargas Carrillo, is director of the State Police.

Before López Maya, he occupied the state SSP the Cluapaneco Raciel López, whom Barbosa Huerta at the time defended that he was accused of alleged links with organized crime.

When Raciel left the SSP, the governor acknowledged that "the Chiapas" had taken advantage of their passage through Puebla to do business.

He revealed that the managers, which he named, built a "town" in San Miguel, where privilege, drugs, alcohol and prostitution cells were offered.

After the case of the baby Tadeo, Barbosa acknowledged that the "destruction of the village" that ordered Raciel López left only generated temporary changes, but then corruption prevailed again in that prison.He offered that there will now be changes, with the appointment of María del Rayo Mendoza as the new director of the prison, although in the middle managers he placed managers who have already been accused of corruption.

The early hours of Wednesday 26, state police disseminated that 60 elements were commissioned to reinforce security around the penitentiary center.However, when they arrived at the place they were notified that they would stay as custodians.

The uniformed sent a writing to the media in which they warn that they do not have the preparation course to be custodians, so they fear that this generates faults and responsibilities.

Criminal networks against childhood

The academic Gabriela Belaunzarán, a teacher in spatial and geoinformatics analysis, who has studied the forced disappearance in Mexico in the last 30 years, points out that the case of Tadeo has to investigate from the criminal historical context that has surrounded Puebla and that has to do withWith trafficking and pedophilia networks that were documented by journalist Lydia Cacho since governor Mario Marin Torres.

Doctor of Social Sciences at the Metropolitan-Xochimilco Autonomous University, Belaunzarán states that the case of Tadeo is not isolated in the area, since it is no accident that the states of Mexico and Puebla, which form a corridor, are among the first places in disappearanceof women, girls, boys and adolescents.

This is reflected in other situations, such as the case of the indigenous child Alexis Sánchez Cabanzos, three -year -old, who disappeared on December 2 in the town of Lzhuap11 days later, that the State Search Commission raised the child's report to the national platform.And until Wednesday 26, 55 days after its disappearance, the Prosecutor's Office issued the Aer alert on this little one.

Alexis's situation and his family was visible by the group of the disappeared, whose representative, María Luisa Núñez Barajas, has warned that this child only speaks Nahuatl and that his family, of limited resources, has had to take theSearch for the apathy of the authorities.

"It is inconceivable that this occurs in Puebla, and we can even understand that the State is lending to these situations," says Belaunzarán.

The Search Commission went to Zoquitlán - one of the most marginalized municipalities in Puebla - on Tuesday 18 to carry out search work, but it was because that day another 10 -year -old indigenous girl was lost and hours later she was found, raped and murdered.

The academic adds that, in this context, if the crime committed against Tadeo is thoroughly investigated, it could reveal that it was not the first."There is much that tells us that this is one of many things that can be weighing".

Process reviewed the reports of missing people in Puebla from December to January, period in which 25 minors were reported.Alexis's case was the only one in which the alert was issued.

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