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5 reasons to buy in Wish and another five to distrust this website

By hollisterclothingoutlet 23/09/2022 735 Views

It is the Amazon of Purchases in China.His name is wish and surely sounds to you, because in the last year he has become very fashionable.The store has the peculiarity of having countless items.You have, in fact, thousands and thousands of products at your disposal.From gala dresses for your dog, to colorful nails, going through clothes, mobile covers or lipsticks.

If you have ever considered buying here and you have not done it yet, maybe it is because you have serious doubts about whether it is a safe tool.Or quite the opposite.You should know that all purchases are made in China, so this can have advantages, but also some disadvantages.We review them all, below.

Five reasons to trust Wish

Let's see, first, why five reasons we would buy in Wish.

1.The price

If you bure a little for the Wish catalog, you will realize that the products sold here are very, very cheap.In fact, you will see that you can buy skirts for only 8 euros, get chulat.It must also be said that much of the items that are sold here are inside the bag of 1, two and 3 euros, which is undoubtedly super advantageous for those who enjoy buying online bargains.

two.Purchases from application

If you want to buy in Wish, you can do it from the web, but you should know that one of the axes of this online items is precisely in the application.You will have the opportunity to make purchases, be in the place you are and at any time, both from the Android app and the corresponding to iOS.

This means that you can hunt bargains when you have the opportunity to stop to take a look at the application.Although this also has dangers, especially if you are one of those who let themselves crash quickly by the offers.If you are hooked to purchases, have wish installed on your mobile may not be the best idea in the world.

5 motivos para comprar en Wish y otros cinco para desconfiar de esta web

Once you have made your orders, you can also control the state of the shipment from the same app.Although this is nothing new in the world of online purchases.


If there is something that has wish, in addition to good prices, it is variety.In Wish you can find practically everything, distributed in a large range of categories.If you are looking for something at random, you can let yourself be seduced by the supervent section, but if you are looking for something concrete, we recommend using the search engine and the different categories: it is a good way to go directly to the grain in a bazaar of such dimensions.

Some of the categories that you have at your reach are beauty, home decoration, fashion, electronic devices, babies and children, shoes, bags or swimsuits.In this way, it will be much easier to find what you need or get ideas to meet your needs.

4.Exclusive offers

If with low prices you don't have enough, you have other opportunities.In Wish you will find interesting offers every day, especially dedicated to you, which you should take advantage of in the next minutes or hours.But you will also have daily opportunities.They are lightning offers.Every time you activate the roulette, you can unlock up to ten daily items with overwhelming discounts of up to 90%.In this way, you can get t -shirts that cost more than 100 euros for only 10.

5.Return policy

Wish has a very correct return policy.You will have up to 30 days to request a refund, so if you don't like something or does not fit what you had bought, you can send it back to the brand.In principle the amounts are returned within a maximum period of 14 days, so in principle you should not have any problem.Of course, it is important that you always ensure the reliability of the seller through the comments.

Five disadvantages

But not everything is virtues in wish.There are some reasons that make you distrust from this website.

1.The quality of the articles

The products you can acquire in Wish are super cheap, so it is like going to the ancient all one hundred from your neighborhood.What do we mean by this?Well, you should not expect too much quality in what you buy through this page.If you are looking for quality, we would recommend you to acquire your products elsewhere.

two.The waiting time

It is possible that on occasion you receive an order in four or five days.But by general, it is most likely that the objects or articles that buy through Wish arrive with a few weeks late.They are products sent from China, so it is most likely that international shipment will be dilated a little over time, being able to reach two8 days of waiting.

3.Too many things

Wish is simple and plainly a chaos of products.For many buyers this can be a clear advantage, because the truth is that in this store you can find practically all.However, it is possible that for people little given online purchases, Wish can become a true supermarket of disorder.If you are also chaos, forget this store.

4.You have to go carefully

Wish is not a direct seller, but a platform in which thousands of buyers sell.That is why it is so important that when you see an interesting product, you look at the comments you have.It is a good way to make sure that the product is really what the buyer suggests.And this will only know the experiences of other real buyers.Also look at the comments on the shipments and reliability of the seller, because this will help you to be safer when making the purchase.

5.Important delays in some orders

It is not a generalized tonic, but it can occur.This is linked to the very long shipping deadlines that are handled in Wish and that do not depend at all those responsible for the platform, but on the sellers in particular.Some users complain about excessive delays in their purchases, hence the importance of reading comments before making any transaction.And if the product urges you, you know: buy it elsewhere.

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