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You ask us for the official account numbers and Bizum to send donations to La Palma

By hollisterclothingoutlet 31/01/2022 1113 Views

Donations La Palma: these are the different ways to send them Skip to contentNewtralAsk us for the official account numbers and Bizum to send donations to La PalmaNext

The Cabildo de la Palma and the municipalities of Los Llanos de Aridane and El Paso have set up different bank accounts to centralize donations from individuals, companies or any type of entity that wants to help those affected by the volcano *UPDATED 29/ 09/2021

By Clara PérezYou ask us for |4min readingEFE/Carlos de Saá By Clara PérezYou ask us for |4min reading
  • aids
  • The Palm
  • La Palma Canary Islands Volcano Eruption
  • You have asked us through our WhatsApp verification service (+34 627 28 08 15) about different images that are being shared with account numbers and Bizum to be able to make donations to La Palma, after the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano. And if these accounts are authentic or a possible scam is hidden behind.

    The Government has declared the island of La Palma as an "area seriously affected by a civil protection emergency" or 'catastrophic area', which opens the door for State aid to be articulated for the affected people.

    [Aid and compensation for those affected by the eruption of the volcano in La Palma: EU funds, aid decree...]

    Even so, both the Cabildo de La Palma and the municipalities of Los Llanos de Aridane and El Paso have set up different bank accounts to centralize donations to La Palma. We tell you which are the official accounts that are receiving donations.

    How can you make a donation to help the victims?

    From the Cabildo Insular de La Palma they inform Newtral.es that both on their website and on that of the town halls of the affected areas you can find the account numbers and the Bizum code to be able to make donations to La Palma.

    When making the shipment to the Cabildo, it is important to indicate the name of the issuer and include "volcano donation" in the concept. In addition, from the Cabildo de La Palma they remind you that you can also help with services or by providing basic necessities, by writing to volcanlapalma@cablapalma.es.

    Due to the great demand from individuals, companies and associations that wish to collaborate with those affected by the volcanic eruption, the El Paso City Council has enabled two account numbers that can be consulted in the following image.

    [Eruption in La Palma: The recommendations before the fall of volcanic ash]

    In this case, when making the shipment it is important to indicate the DNI, the name and the surname as well as to indicate in the concept "volcanic eruption contribution".

    For its part, the municipality of Los Llanos de Aridane has also opened a direct line to be able to centralize donations to La Palma.

    People who want to make a donation through Bizum must access the 'send donation' tab and enter the code indicated by each institution. In this case, the maximum amount of total daily donation per person is 2,000 euros, which can be paid in several operations, with a limit of 500 euros per transaction.

    Bizum Spain has verified the donation codes that it has activated

    Bizum Spain has published on its Twitter account a compilation of all the donation codes that have been activated during these days to send financial contributions to palm growers.

    These are 03748 for the City Council of El Paso, 03747 for the Cabildo of La Palma, 03750 for the Town Hall of Tazacorte and 03749 for that of Los Llanos de Aridane.

    In total, 50,563 donations have been made through Bizum, with which 1.5 million euros were raised, as reported by the company on September 29.

    Correos promotes a solidarity campaign for donations to La Palma in its offices in the Canary Islands

    You have also asked us if it is true that Correos is carrying out a solidarity campaign and is collecting clothing, footwear and food. As can be seen on its website, Correos has promoted a campaign to collect deliveries that are made at the 102 post offices throughout the Canary Islands and will send them to the municipal institutions for the coordination of donations to La Palma. They indicate that what is most needed is clothing, footwear, personal hygiene products and non-perishable food.

    The Community of Madrid will promote donations in the metro

    The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has announced on Twitter that she will hang posters in the capital's metro promoting donations for the affected people.

    “Help those affected in La Palma”, reads the poster, which includes a Red Cross account number and a Bizum code where those interested can make their financial contributions to the palm growers.

    The fundraising campaign for La Palma initiated by the Red Cross has other collaborators, especially banks, such as Bankinter, BBVA or Santander. In addition, the Red Cross and the Government of the Canary Islands have a collaboration agreement for the emergency response logistics cell, for which the NGO is in charge of coordinating and executing the logistics, both in La Palma and in the rest of the islands of the Canary Islands. archipelago, for the evacuated people and those who are participating in the emergency teams.


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  • aids
  • The Palm
  • La Palma Canary Islands Volcano Eruption


    javi says:

    Expose the geographical origin of the donations, cause this healthy competition between the regions of Spain. Surely between Catalonia and Madrid they would multiply the donations by 10. It's an idea.


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