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Riders Republic, analysis.You, me, a ravine and a bike

By hollisterclothingoutlet 07/02/2023 624 Views
Riders Republic

We analyze the MMO of Extreme Sports of Ubisoft, a game full of surprises that operates what seemed impossible and offers something unique and special.

We all know Hugo Simpson here, right?Yes, man!Do not put that face that surely yes.We refer to Bart's evil brother.The one who lived in the attic and ate fish heads.The one that came out in a Halloween special of the Simpsons and that in the end, despite the appearances and how they had treated him, turned out to be good and had to integrate it again into society.Well, the history of Riders Republic has a lot in common with Hugo's.He has an unrecognized twin brother (Forza Horizon), an uteote aspect of which it is easy to think badly and some characters and commentators who should feed separately.And no fish heads.Scrapes.The fact is that, as happened with Hugo, Riders Republic has ended up being a good game.What a wood, has ended up being a fucking.

From the edgy era to the CRINGE era

En MeriStation ya hemos hablado alguna vez de la época edgy de los videojuegos y de la vergüenza ajena que dieron sagas como Prince of Persia, Jak & Daxter o Sonic durante aquellos años.The industry crossed its own turkey age, its own adolescence, and went through a rachita of throws in which it seemed mandatory that there was heavy metal, half naked aunts, dark colors and nightmare monsters.Ah, and chulería.A lot of chulería.It was like being in a quinceañero's room.We change the sands of time (light, magic and romanticism) for things like the soul of the warrior, whose beginning was a foreground of an ass with a tiny thong.In the Pop sequel, the first script line of the Prince (much more tormented, much more "bad") consisted of calling the owner of the butt (harpy in Spanish, Bitch in the original).seeing is believing.Little happens to us.And although now we contemplate the past with a smile of enough, nobody should sing victory.Titles such as Riders Republic show us that we have not overcome shame.Who knows.Maybe let's never do it.

We have passed from the Edgy era of video games to the Cinge era;From adolescence to the forty crisis.Riders Republic is one more name for that list of titles today that go from modern, countercultural, guards and mills (although these last two terms also identify us as boomers).A list that begins to be embarrassously long and in which, go, how curious, everyone has something in common.All presume a thug look with which they want to seem young, but in reality they smell like naphthalin.Most of its members remind Mr. Burns disguised as Jimbo.Many even run their own fate (that is, they end up being little more than a meme).It is not the case of Riders, but almost.Has gone from a hair.

Two quite clear and recent examples of this CRINGE stage are those of (the forgettables) Far Cry: New Dawn and Rage 2.If any neophyte in the matter told us that Riders Republic is a direct continuation of both and that the three make up a trilogy, who would we be to judge him?What arguments would we refute to you?After all, they present the same Pantone full of roses and yellow, identical saturation, smoke boats in each corner, moral lessons and ideology for the 21st century, funny protagonists with the grace and talent of Juan Muñoz (who tookthe cross and the line), secondary that boast of its outsider spirit (or answer, or free, rebel, crazy goat and as many variations you want), graffiti, punk hairstyles, children's birthday or Mad Max clothes (there is no average medium term), etc.The fact is that the three --Far Cry, Rage, Riders Republic - seek the cultural impact and personality of Jet Set Radio (or if you hurry, of Sunset Overdrive), but in reality they end up being as ridiculous as Juanma Castaño making FreestylerIn Masterchef.They are so looking forward to scoring us with their charism.Or what is the same, gray, identical results and without any taste.They wanted to be groundbreaking, but they don't go out of insuls.

“Well, okay, the game drives a tone and registration that has been choked, but why make blood?Do you really deserve to dedicate these first paragraphs of your analysis? ".The answer is a resounding yes.And the very simple reason: Riders Republic has such good arguments in most of its sections that its aesthetics and staging is how little we can reproach him.The sooner we get rid of the worst, almost better.The same happens in the game.Once we stop bleeding in the eyes of their graphic and technical problems, once we understand that we have to put spotify in the background so as notstupid stupas and his unnecessary notices, then, and only then, we discovered an arcade hardly forgettable.

Riders Republic is so concerned about liking, so focused on being cool, that he does not realize the unbearable bombardment of stimuli to which he submits us.Until opening the map is torture.His screenwriters take advantage of each loophole, each step by the menus, to give us the turra and show off ingenuity.It is a floppy nose of blushing and kinematic dialogues to which it is impossible not to take your hands to the head.Not to mention radio comments that are repeated again and again, the exaggerated number of markers and icons, or the marabunta of notifications about the last bullshit that we have unlocked.You leave the command on a table, you do not touch anything and...bingo!Come prizes and rewards.Seeing him insist so much on how modern it is only to highlight how badly the jargon is (it looks like a parody) and the empty and distant from his art.Because no, not all who go to BMX events are Jackass characters.Nor are hippies or death dead.Practice these sports forces you to suffer Peter Pan syndrome or what?His paternalism is the most unpleasant.It is time to break stereotypes.And ok, we catch it, it is a festival and if we exceed tests we will win a better team and access major challenges.What else does it need to say?Why is there more a charta than in Death Stranding?So yes, it is definitely important to start making it clear that Riders Republic is the most cringe of a cringe era.

Ubisoft's vacuum jump

If we exceed the initial impression, the same thing happens as these first paragraphs: the benefits proliferate, and look that the proposal was risky.A MMO of extreme sports?Really?There are barely referents and the idea seemed to collide against the basis of the genre.Who buys a trials delivery to play online?Does the Steep community really interest Roller Champions or Shaun White Skateboarding?And backwards?How many Mountain Bike fans also call skiing?Can they go hand in hand and bike tricks?Are there Wingsuit simulators?More importantly, how the hell do the Jet Packs fit in all this?!Of course, there were more reasons for it to go wrong than to go well.But the fact is that it has gone well.The cocktail turns out to be great and "risky" is nothing more than a synonym for brave and original, even revolutionary.Ubisoft shut our mouth again and Annecy continues to claim.We often make the mistake of automatically associating sports video games to EA Sports and 2K Games, but the Curriculum and Ubisoft's experience in certain disciplines (all sagas mentioned are yours) they deserve more recognition.Riders Republic is a new gallon on the developer's service sheet and discovers the genre a promising horizon.

To start, we are talking about a game that adapts perfectly to your mood.Do you wake up with a competitive spirit?Get ready.Getting the three stars of each event (without aid, of course) demands technique and discipline, precision and steel nerves.It is not an easy task.Not to mention that winning online is only available to the best.Are you looking to relax and disconnect?Even better.Then we will talk about his mapping, but we already anticipate that he is spectacular, he feels alive and exploring it is a real delight.Go down by certain slopes because yes, because we feel like Chill, it cannot be more satisfactory.We have spent whole afternoons without competing, simply exploring the map, and they have almost been the most enjoyed the controls.

Riders Republic, análisis. Tú, yo, un barranco y una bici

What do you want is to see the faces with people online?Be careful what you want.The push and chaos of the races for 64 players can deranged more than one.In any case, quiet, there are ways for less people (12), and there are against all and by teams (6 vs. 6).Because for tastes, the colors.Were you looking otherwise?Pure Singleplayer?The same, perfect.All events can be enjoyed alone as we fight against rivals possessed by the ghost of our friends or other users.The AI is not up to the Drivavatar de Forza (or comparison point), but it is always more fun to recognize the name of the rest of competitors.And if we are especially sullen, there is no major problem.We make some acrobatics and point.They are a potpourri of tests in which we will be only us, without bots or adversaries of any kind.Against the chrono, against a score, against ourselves.What do you tell me about training a little?That tutorial of the devil he has could not with you and do you want more advice?There you have the academy, to overflow with practices and tricks.Riders Republic adapts to what you ask for.Experience can be as intense or peaceful as you want.So difficult or simple.So sociable or lonely.So diverse or monotonous.A world for many riders.

An evil twin brother for Forza Horizon

After this description it is impossible not to think of Forza Horizon.The playground Games game is a very clear reference that inherit freedom, proposal and adaptation capacity.We repeat, Riders is a chameleon.Its rhythm, degree of challenge and number of online options are noted to our wishes.On the other hand, the infinite (infinite?) Variety that Horizon enjoys thanks to its catalog of brands, categories and specifications, the Ubisoft game supplies it with an idea that gives life to everything.Because how many titles allow a Mountain Bike to an snow table in a couple of seconds?Riders Republic offers the repertoire of more dynamic and heterogeneous disciplines and vehicles that we have ever seen.

There are deep games like them alone (Forza Horizon himself), but here we talk about something else, something unique.We talk about going so happy, press a button and get rid of a snow motorcycle.After a while we press it again and a giant fan (Aka Paramotor) projects us towards the sky.We go down parachute when we fly over the top of a mountain, we move on to an snow table and descend on its slope.Upon arriving down, we changed the table for some skis with rocket and we remark the way.Nothing to wait for the Tablesilla.Above again, now we take a wings suit (Wingsuit) and this time we go down letting ourselves be carried away by air currents.And already aabajo, if that, we give the bikes.Descent bikes, city, spinning (it is not a joke).The offer is a real nonsense.A wonderful madness.A milestone in the genre that works like a shot.Changing vehicle is as fast as display.No load times.Question of seconds.There are even online events that change us automatically in the middle of a race and force us to adapt and use that exotic Macedonia de Sports.The latter situation that, believe us, cannot be more fun.

Apprentice much, master of none?

It is so plural, so diverse and varied, so fast, that more than one will ask (rightly) for the level of depth and complexity that it reaches.Because you already know what they say "learning of a lot, teacher of nothing".But answering, go ahead that Riders Republic is a tremendously accessible arcade, of those who welcome you with open arms and teach you the basics to defend yourself in a matter of minutes.Even so, accessible and simple is not the same as simple.Ubisoft has found the perfect balance and each discipline has its own scheme of controls, particularities and ways of working.The mechanics are well differences and although we will not need more than twenty minutes to know how.The same with the landings or the different strategies when dosing turbos and sprints.Mastering an area does not guarantee anything for the rest, which will lead to each one being a unique pilot with our personal philias and phobias.

Filias and phobias

To us, for example, the propelled wings seem to us the poorest test, the most basic, the one that depends less on our ability and more on the team we have chosen.Perhaps also the least attractive for implicit fantasy and contrast to others, already taken from the real world.For his part, we have pleasantly surprised Wingsuit's stages.They have a design as intelligent as spectacular, they are vertiginous and millimetric, to which they add that they hook and are addictive like them alone.It is not a sport that we knew much or practiced it in real life, but in this Republic Rider we do not tire of them.In turn, the phases of tricks with skis, with their jumps and pirouettes, give us nightmares and try to avoid them whenever we can.However, we worship the Grinds with them and with the snow tables.But the girl of our eyes will always be the bikes.Not those of tricks, but those of descent, with a special position in our heart for trial tests.They are not many, but they are fantastic.A three -dimensional version of the frankly surprising trials.

We must clarify that Riders Republic never reaches the depth levels of the deliveries specialized in each discipline.The trial is never like in the Redlynx saga, the snow does not rivate with what was offered by SSX and the phases of tricks pale with Tony Hawk's lists and options.But we repeat, it is not that everything is handled in the same way or that of equal meat as fish.Ubisoft has done a great job and the general experience with each sport covers much more than what the average user usually covers.Only those who dedicate themselves to completing and finishing titles cited will appreciate what we say.The greatest exponent of this is the option of putting a control scheme in the snowboard that is directly taken from Steep.Or several tests that are inspired by real events that are even broadcast on television and have sponsors of the Red Bull caliber.It is a very solid job.

Each test consists of up to three optional challenges and it is in these that lies the challenge and the true chicha.There are three stars (again as in Forza Horizon, as in their radars and speed sections, for example) and to achieve them it is not enough to win the careers, but you have to meet several secondary objectives.They go from beat a certain time to find certain objects along the way or use the rewind button.Don't you guess what saga this is!?Yes, driving / piloting aids aside (where we do appreciate more simplification, because the only really significant change is that of automatic landings), we also have the forza rewitting system.Actually, where appropriate, time does not stop for others, only for us, and although going back it is of great help to correct specific errors, it is a more fair system and does not imply such a large grievance for the rest.

We better get used to not completing every pull event.It often does not matter first and we must concentrate on making the stars individually, nothing at the same time.Not to mention that many are crazy and demand to return to them when our team of wings, bikes, boards and has more level (a somewhat dirty backtracking, why lie).Each “vehicle” has the usual stats (speed, acceleration, handling, etc) and it shows in the times we mark.All are classified as the canons of current beauty: green, blue, purple and gold according to degree rareness (* pretending a cough* as in Forza Horizon), and they even have their own system of reputation and fidelity to a brand (there are real ones, like Ford or Red Bull).They are the contracts, with which to gain rewards.The latter offer us different challenges, but inexplicably, if we take one and change it we have to pay a penalty time without being able to take another.We bet that before the complaints and the unnecessary of the matter, it will soon open the possibility of combining them all.Although for that Ubisoft will have to think first of a way of making all brands do not require the same in their contracts.It is really not so difficult to customize them a bit.Could the difficulty grow in a different way, rather based on AI, routes and physical?Definitely.It is noticing according to the hours and the events remain constant.Regarding the content, we have thrown it about thirty hours and although it is true that we glimpsed the end, we still have for a while (and that without counting that will wing via online).

A map to take off your hat (or helmet)

The final lunge with which our heart has pierced us is its mapping.A luxury and continuous enjoyment.Its design is already striking in itself, as it combines the most emblematic places of several American natural parks such as Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Grand Teton, Mammoth Mountain, Sequoia Park, Yosemite Valley and Zion National Park.Who has not ever dreamed of making the route of the parks throughout the United States?Who has not seen films set in them as Free Solo, the recent Oscar winner, or 127 hours, by Danny Boyle?From green and flowery forests where we cross with Bambi (there is a fauna with which we will run), to orange and rocky biomes, prelude to the Grand Canyon.Passing, of course, through snow and even by miniature towns or cities that we can travel by bounts by roofs.They are tremendously vertical, although in cimatological theme they are not so lush.They are full of collectibles, tests, information posters on the real location on which they are based, etc..Explore or make descents for pure pleasure is wonderful.His career routes are relatively linear, but when there are no control points that pass the experience is magnified.Above the load times are non -existent in the new generation consoles.It is an open world with capital letters.

Maybe he lacks the visual impact and dimensions of the Forza Horizon, but once again, he compensates for this weakness in his own way (and we would not even tell it as weakness, because next to the king of the genre, anyone trembles a little his legs a little).But Riders Republic does it, compensates for it, and it is through a tremendously alive world.Wherever you go there is always someone.Everything is full of people doing the goat and touring your same route.They are generally not real people (unless you are with your group of friends), but their ghosts, an ethereal version that seen what has been seen, often makes the same stupidities as their alter ego.It is where its conception is most appreciated as MMO (Massive Multiplayer online).We are aware that at the moment of truth the figures are not so high (races at 64 are the top), but believe us, it gives the feeling that there are thousands, or tens of thousands of players around us.It is a very successful hoax that uses truquitos such as gathering all often around a camp that makes the game epicenter, or showing millions of people moving when we open the map menu.The best thing is that, being ghosts, they do not atosigate, they do not bother us, push and get anyone out of their route.They simply accompany.They allow us to see all kinds of crazy things, improvised paths, funny anecdotes and memorable blows.In no other gender sandbox, even in Horizon himself, there is such a sensation.And if you overwhelm this condensation of souls, there is a totally offline zen mode.Clean of icons and people, empty, silent and overwhelming.Perfect to relax.It is a great idea, but currently a garrafal failure dirties: it is the way it forces us to play by decree if we are not connected to the network.And in it there are no events (no races, or tricks, or acrobatics), only exploration.Ergo No Internet connection The game is quite limited.We join all those voices of the community that have asked Ubisoft to correct this.

The audiovisual part does not accompany

The problems appear when we talk about what we mentioned at the beginning of the analysis: their appearance.But we don't get more with its design or that chromatic aberration that spends and that at times spoils the beauty of your world.Sometimes you can even have a pass.It serves to adjust the HDR of TV, for example.It was jokes, we do not even refer to the fact that sometimes the distance from drawing rival with that of Silent Hill 2, that there is a continuous popping, a constant clipping and regulatory textures.We can pass over it and justify it with its 4K and 60 fps on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.Due to problems we refer things that do affect the playable, as a collision system that causes moments at least strange.In the races of 64 sometimes we will shoot out of the road without anyone having touched us, or move forward like a pinball ball.It is not just an online defect.Solo we have survived demolving impacts, but then the character has flown through the rubbing of the pine branch.Without a doubt, the collision system is the most frustrating thing we have experienced at the controls.At first funny, then unfair and finally, exasperating.And to him are added some screen freezing that in series X they take us out of the app and even turn off the console, although for these it has been promised that there will be a solution soon via update.

The soundtrack returns to the walks with the cringe tone.While Just Dance could have yielded some, it is not that they have few songs (there are about 70 external collaborations), but the selection is, with all respect, terrible, and the problem that the songs begin again from theprinciple every time we repeat the same test.In the highest difficulties, by restarting a lot of times an event, our heads rumble with the same Soniquete.Spotify is necessary if we do not want to end a cerebral embolia.When exploring yes there is an option to change the radio station, but we do not know why, we will always end up hearing again and again the same choruses.We feel identified with a fun Game Reporter article that reviews the musical repertoire and says "I want Riders Republic to like it, but I can't overcome everything I hate".

The future of Riders Republic

Riders Republic was born under the yoke of contemporary society and almost therefore, under the yoke of the label "game as a service".This is evidenceon-line).We will have to see how his world evolves because the exit station cannot be demanded more.Is there improvement margin?Yes, and it's wide, but demand?In addition to correcting their performance, contracts and Zen mode we were talking about before, Riders could, for example, offer daily challenges in addition to the weekly.Or a broader catalog of clothing inside the store (with realistic skins for those who do not want to feel like Fall Guys).The latter may be fixed by an editor to create our own designs and share them online.Or a greater rotation of circuits in the mass races.Nor would Nadal be wrong to retake lobbies and matchmaking to accelerate it, or include some extra multiplayer way that imagines him (which for now we have only 12 races, trick duels and team battles 6 vs. 6 in which we must conquer areasin the way of Splatoon).In any case, you will be seeing that we do not talk about introducing large changes or content packages.They are nuances, concrete improvements that underpin a base already alone capable of satisfying anyone.

Those tweaks and pending accounts are forgiven when one reflects on the feat that supposes what was achieved.Because Riders Republic is a pioneer, a perfect mold for gender and serves as a franchise whose limits are only in the imagination of Ubisoft.Have you thought about what can be in the future if the game takes some weight graphically, updates the tone, broadly those dimensions and properties MMO, and even adds disciplines such as skate, surfing, rafting or a renewed paratrooper?It is not so crazy.To the skate and surfing to them a couple of winks.And look what the trials grew.We could be talking about one of the great sports titles in history.The playable stratum, its pillars and the approach, the most difficult, are already there.Riders Republic is a gold nugget that we will see what Ubisoft converts.And until it transforms it into something, it is only to admire its brightness.


Riders Republic is one of the first decent heirs that have come to the Forza Horizon saga and that are major words.Its festival has nothing to do with the automotive, but with extreme sports, and does not reach the same levels of quality, depth and variety, nor its same dimensions and amount of content, but it stays closer than you would expect and supplementits deficiencies with a rabidly original and transgressive proposal.Its list of disciplines and vehicles is the most dynamic and heterogeneous we have ever seen.Change between cycling, skiing, wingsuit and snowboarding (among others) just by pressing a button and in a matter of seconds is an unprecedented sensation.All sports work great and shake hands in a wonderful mapping and full of life that is pleased to explore.Our reproaches are not to the experience at the controls, where it is a tremendous arcade, but to the one that comes to us by other senses.At a graphic level the seams are seen, the sound section deserved a greater effort and technically gives some problem.We are also fought with their history, their art, that caspose representation of extreme sports and the continuous interruptions and notifications.But even with this, we love spending time at Riders Republic and we burn in desire to continue having it.I hope your approach as "service game" is not a camel and take care and grow your community.More contents, more modes and types of proof, perhaps to other sports such as surfing, skate or a greater presence of paratrooidism.The possibilities that open seem so bright that their limit will only mark the imagination of Ubisoft.




Very good

Notable finish we will enjoy and remember.A good purchase, highly recommended for genre lovers.Is well taken care of at all levels.



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