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Tips to see the greeting of the Magi in Huesca: coat and plastic clothes for the stands

By hollisterclothingoutlet 25/10/2022 643 Views

Everything is, unless unforeseen, prepared for the arrival of the Magi to Huescay adifferent locations in the province.The horseback riding and acts attached to them have adapted to the circumstances of the pandemic, but this January 5 Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar will go out to the street to distribute first illusion and then gifts.In the capital of Oscense, its majesties have changed the location of the traditional greeting with the culminates the parade.Instead of going to the casino balcony, they will jump to the ring of the Plaza de Toros.

The City Council chose this space to ensure that attendees fulfill the security distance and that agglomerations such as those of the Plaza de Navarra will not occur, where around 6 meets around 6.000 people to listen to the advice that the Magi give to children every year.Municipal officials also make several recommendations for those who have achieved one of the 3.250 free tickets that will allow access to the square, since the show has reduced capacity.

Those over 12 years must carry the COVID-19 certificate and the DNI.The mask is mandatory, as well as the invitation that gives access to the enclosure.It is also advisable to wear warm clothes so as not to go cold during the wait and the duration of the show (about 20 ').It is requested not to go in case of coronavirus symptoms or general discomfort.In addition, in the queues and accesses the safety distance is to be maintained.Likewise, it is remembered that you cannot enter the square with carts and baby chairs.Due to the time of the year, bullfighting seats may present moisture, so it will be necessary to carry some plastic protection for them.

The ride will begin at 17.30 on Monreal Avenue to continue through the Coso until you reach Santo Domingo Square.The journey has lengthened 250 m so that attendees have more space to see the parade.The greeting of the kings will begin at 19.00.The bullring will open at 18.00.Each entrance carries a door and some reference stairs so that access is made in an orderly manner.You cannot go to the enclosure through another circuit that is not the indicated.

Más informaciónLa Cabalgata de Reyes de Sabiñánigo, a expensas de lo que diga Sanidad Así será la cabalgata de Huesca: un desfile más largo y con mascarilla obligatoria y 3.250 invitaciones para ver el saludo a los Reyes

Consejos para ver el saludo de los Reyes Magos en Huesca: ropa de abrigo y plástico para las gradas

The organization will enable a space for people with reduced mobility.With each child you can go only an adult, with the aim that as many children as possible can enjoy the real greeting.The scenario from which the Magi will greet will be in the northwest part of the Albero and behind it will not be a public.The output will be carried out for the same place as the entrance.

Those who do not go to the square will be able to follow the act on the website of the City of Huesca or in the official municipal channels: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, since it will be broadcast live by 'streaming'.

No speeches in Monzón

On Monzón, the ride will be held in reduced format and with restrictions.Will start at 19.00 and will start from the Plaza de la Estación.The floats will tour the streets Jaime I, Avenida Lérida and Paseo San Juan Bosco to conclude in the ship of La Azucarera.The usual journey has been modified to provide more climbing space and fulfill the indications that public health moves to local entities.


Attendees must carry the mask and keep the safety distance at all times.To avoid agglomerations and on health recommendation, the speech of the Magi in the Plaza Mayor has been suspended and candy, serpentine or confether will not be launched either.The little ones can make their requests to their Majesty of the East, who will attend them from the floats.

At the end of the parade, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar will visit the residents of the nuclei of Selgua and Conchel.Previously, they will greet the elderly of the Riosol and Torrefuentes residences and the users of the Reina Sofía Center.

Mixed Cavalcade in Sabiñánigo

In Sabiñánigo, a mixed ride has been chosen.The first part of it will take place in the sports center of the Plaza Constitution of 15.30 to 17.30 And it will be static.The Magi will greet the boys and girls to see them keeping the security distance.In addition, there will be dynamization actions and a 'photocall'.As a preventive measure it will be mandatory to register for family units.The previous reserve can be made, until January 5 at 12.00 in the mail promotion@aytosabi.It is, in the periel mill or on the phone 974 48 42 50.

The second part of the ride will be a tour of Sabiñánigo.Will start at 18.00 hours in Azpe Square to get to Pirenarium, where from 20.00 will deliver the gifts to the children who have previously registered in the Association of Neighbors of Puente Sardas.During the journey there will be no stop and the Magi will not be looked at the Balcony of the City Council in Plaza España.

In Jaca, the real parade will leave at 18.00 from Calle Mayor and will reach the Palacio de Congresos, where a reception has been organized.

The Magi will arrive to Binéfar at 19.00 In your floats.They will accompany the Ampas of the CEIP Víctor Mendoza and IES Sierra de San Quíle, the puppeteers of Binéfar, Scouts, Peñas La Kraba, Latacín and Tozal, as well as the Red Cross and Local Police.The attendees are pledged to this act to respect the security distances, are distributed throughout the route, carry a mask and go in bubble groups.

In Almudévar, the delegation of the Magi will leave at 18.30 from the Aspanaa residence accompanied by the company Nostraxladamus with its show 'Ainaya'.Their Majestades will greet from the Balcony of the Municipal Library before delivering the gifts.

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