fashion clothes for kids

Two parents build a miniature bathroom for their little son Two parents build a miniature bathroom for their little son

By hollisterclothingoutlet 11/09/2022 647 Views

A mother has adopted an unconventional, but very creative approach, to get her young son to use the bath as an adult, giving her her own space.All in order to help you develop your independence from a young age.

Both parents built a miniature bathroom for their young son, with clothing baskets, a truck -shaped urinal and a sink that works.

It is a private space that has an adequate size and a all -sized sink.And it is not missing detail: it also has a beautiful polkhand carpet and a shelf so the child puts his toothbrush, his toothpaste and his hair brush.

Nor have they forgotten to add a hook next to the sink, where the little one hangs a towel to dry his hands, and there is even a plastic basket to put the dirty clothes."Getting that my little son has his own corner in the bathroom! The sink works and separates the dirty water.He loves, "the mother added in the Tiktok, which accumulates more than 3 million visits

Dos padres construyen un cuarto de baño en miniatura para su hijo pequeño Dos padres construyen un cuarto de baño en miniatura para su hijo pequeño

The ability and ingenuity to build this small bathroom has surprised many users, and has stressed some other: "Why are some people at level 1000 of the raising of children and I feel as if I was stuck inThe fight against the boss at level 5? ".

La adorable reacción de un bebé sordo al escuchar a sus padres por primera vez

"A really good idea! Children learn better imitating adults," they have commented.Another pointed out the benefits of giving the child his own space, since they said he would teach him to be independent and give him the tools to feel comfortable, with things like training to go to the bathroom and wash his hands without the guide of the parents.

The idea has served as inspiration, and there are already many who take note of this video as adorable as viral: "I need a list of these articles and where you have taken them away".

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